Today is the first day of the first month of the year 2014 and I've realised it is a long time since I've added a post to this Blog. I had used it as a sort of diary for a long time but then got lazy and used Facebook instead. So my absence from this Blog is not because I haven't done anything interesting in my life since June 2012, it's just that I've failed to keep up this Blog. Last year was a mixture of good times and bad as are all years really. The two happy highlights for me were celebrating my 60th birthday with my family and friends and then my trip to Italy with my husband, Terry, and my sister, Sharney. I am still writing about that trip in more detail which will be a new Blog when finished. I plan to focus on the enjoyment of the trip and also the challenges that arose travelling as a disabled person. We had a good Christmas with all my family, with lunch with Terry's family and then dinner with my family. We look forward to 2014 and hope that we will have more happy times than sad times.
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