28 December 2009

Back home to start new life

I've been discharged from Canossa for just over a week now after being there for six weeks. I'm gradually getting used to my new life. I'm feeling much better now that I've accepted I'm now disabled. I will now concentrate on those things I can still do and "let go" of those things I can no longer do, just remember them fondly without getting upset. This has been a very difficult year for me and for those who love me. My leg weakness was initially diagnosed as being a very rare auto-immune disease, CIDP, and I underwent uncomfortable treatments for that. In August when another opinion said I had spinal cord damage, I went through a terrible emotional time. There was no explanation for this damage. A later opinion was that it was probably caused by a virus (in the absence of any other medical evidence) and I was told it is "unlikely" I will walk independenty again. I have a lovely new wheelchair to help me get around and I will no longer put my life "on hold" waiting to recover. I will get back into my oral history interviews and already have a couple of good prospects lined up. Canossa was the best "treatment" I could have had. The staff there looked after me very well and helped me come to terms with my disability. They were all so good to me. Thanks to them I feel I can now move forward with my life.