21 February 2009

Camera Club Photos

I returned to my camera club this month, Queensland Camera Group, after a break and was pleased to receive Merits for all three of my entries in the "Open" subject.

"Marry Me" was taken in Trafalgar Square in London. Terry and I were looking out over the Square and I observed this young couple sitting by the fountain. He pulled out a ring box and handed it to her. She was obviously thrilled and excitedly put the ring on her finger, admiring it and kissing and hugging her new fiance. As I realised what was happening, I took several photos but not all came out well. This was the best. The photo was cropped to show only them. It was delightful to be a witness to this special moment.

"Tangled Web" was taken in Bucharest, Romania and shows that city does not have underground power. There are "webs" like this all over the city and must be a challenge to maintain.

"Gone Fishing" was taken from our boat, "River Duchess" as we cruised down the Rhine River. I spotted this guy on the bank and fortunately with my 20x zoom camera, I was able to capture him.

Click on the Queensland Camera Group link above to see other wonderful images that were in the club competition.

01 February 2009

Australia Day

I've never really been that excited about Australia Day but it seems the general populace is becoming increasingly excited about it. This year a newspaper gave out flags to put on our cars. The flag is flown more in people's gardens and there is an alarming increase in nationalism which seems to exclude any race that was not here 200 years ago.

On Australia Day this year, my sister and her husband celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary with an Australia Day party. They met and married in London. This year they shared the day with family and friends and capped it off with an amusing "renewal of vows" and an Australia shaped cake.