Like many other people at the start of the year, I have begun a
weight loss program at my local YMCA gym. After putting up with a very unattractive spare tyre around my middle, I was determined to do something. So I've rejoined the gym for an intense 12-week weight loss program. I was told the first two weeks are the hardest, especially with the diet which is mainly protein, fruit and vegetables - no carbohydrates. The diet is difficult but I'm getting used to it. The best thing is that one day a week I can eat whatever I like. I've begun dreaming about food. Part of the program is walking at least 10,000 steps a day and I've now gotten into a routine of getting up and doing about 6,000 steps before breakfast (protein shake and fruit). I also drink lots of water which is okay and something I've always done anyway. Our group of about 10 has two sessions per week at the gym with our personal trainer and I'm enjoying that. So I really feel I'm getting somewhere and may even get to my target weight of 60 kgs by the end of the 12 weeks. The gym took a "before" photo side-on in all my pot belly glory. I feel like one those sad people on those "lifestyle" shows(which I emphasise I don't usually watch!) who are cajoled into pushing themselves. Fortunately our personal trainer is very sweet and doesn't bully us into submission. I've already lost about 2 kgs so that's some progress. But gee I look forward to my "free" day when I can indulge without a guilty conscience.
P.S. no the photo is not me - it's a promotional photo from the gym (but it could be me in 12 weeks - fingers crossed!)